Early Intervention
What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention (EI) is a Minneapolis Public Schools program for families with children ages birth to three years old. Early Intervention (0-3) provides support and instruction for young children at risk of having developmental delays or children identified with developmental delays or with a disability. Children and their families can receive services in their home or child care setting.
What is an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)?
- An IFSP is a document that includes information about your child including a summary of their development in each area of development, goals you have for your child and family, and services provided to you and your child. Once your child's IFSP is written, you must sign the consent to begin services.
- The most important person in your child's life is YOU, as the parent or caregiver, because you are your child's primary educator. Our role as your child's Early Intervention team is to provide support and ongoing collaboration with you, so that your child can be successful in the home and community. Your child's Early Intervention team will include a Service Coordinator and one or more of the following: an Early Intervention Teacher, Speech Language Therapist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, School Psychologist, and/ or a School Social Worker.
- Another goal of the the IFSP is to provide service coordination for families so that they have information to be able to access community resources.
How do I find out if my child is eligible for Early Intervention Services?
If you have concerns about your child's development, you can contact Help Me Grow by calling 1-866-693-GROW or by making an online referral You can also call your pediatrician.
Once a referral is made, you will be contacted by staff from Minneapolis Public Schools to get more information regarding your concerns. They will arrange for a developmental screening or schedule a comprehensive evaluation to determine if your child is eligible for Early Intervention services.
If the decision is made to evaluate your child for Early Intervention, a team of qualified professionals, who have training and experience in child development, will observe and interact with your child and gather information from you regarding your concerns.
If your child is found to be eligible for Early Intervention (0-3) services, you will meet with a team of early childhood professionals to develop an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP).