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Early Childhood Special Education

How do I find out if my child is eligible for services?

  • At your child's Early Childhood Screening, the team will check your child's vision, hearing, overall development and health. 

  • If you or the team has concerns about your child's development, the team will talk with you to set up a comprehensive evaluation to gather more information about your child's development.

  • During the evaluation, the team will gather more information about your child and determine your child's eligibility and need for special education services. 

  • If your child is found to be eligible and needs Early Childhood Special Education services, you will meet with the evaluation team again to develop an Individual Education Program (IEP).


What is an Individual Education Program (IEP)

  •  An IEP is a document that includes a summary of development in each area of need, individualized educational goals for your child, and services that your child will receive to support their learning. You, as the parent or caregiver, are the most important person in your child's life, and are therefore a crucial member of your child's IEP team. Your child's IEP team will include one or more of the following professionals: an ECSE Teacher, Speech Language Pathologist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, School Psychologist, and/ or a School Social Worker.

Special Education Records Request

To request special education documents for a Minneapolis Public Schools student, please submit your written request to or fax the written request to 612-668-5446.

Early Childhood Special Education

Serves Children ages three to kindergarten Early Childhood Special Education serves children who are identified as having a Developmental Delay (DD) or other disability. ECSE provides a continuum of services based on the child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). Children receive highly-individualized instruction based on the Minneapolis Public Schools Early Childhood Education curriculum and the goals and objectives outlined in a child’s IEP. Instruction is focused on:  

  • Providing ongoing observation and documentation.  

  • Teaching and reinforcing targeted skills during classroom routines.  

  • Using adaptations in the classroom (e.g., picture schedule, social stories, etc.).  Working in small groups. 

  •  Providing one-to-one assessments or interventions. 

If you have concerns about your child's (3-5 year old) development, you can contact Minneapolis Public Schools Early Childhood Screening for an ECSE evaluation by calling 612-668-3715 or by making an appointment online. Eligibility for ECSE services is determined through an evaluation by Minneapolis Public Schools.