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Preschool Programming for Three-Year-Olds

Preschool Programs for Three-Year-Olds

Currently, three types of school based programs are available for three-year-olds, Three School, Alphabet Soup and ECSE Center Based Classrooms; see below for more information.

1) THREE SCHOOL is a half-day preschool program for children who:

  1. Turn three years old by September 1st.
  2. Start High Five, a preschool program for four-year-olds, the following fall.
  3. Live in the attendance area (shown below) in North Minneapolis (south of 35th Avenue; east of Penn Avenue; north of West Broadway and west of Third Street) - CLICK MAP FOR LARGER VIEW:

Location: Mona Moede Early Learning Center, 2400 Girard Ave. N., Minneapolis 55411 OR Lyndale Community School, 312 W. 34th St., Minneapolis 55408



Three School Boundary Map


Live in the attendance area for Lyndale Community School in South Minneapolis; located at 312 W. 34th Street.

Teacher-Student ratio is 3:20 = There are 20 students per class maximum with 1 licensed teacher and 2 associate educators

Transportation: Free

Fee: MPS is required by state law to establish a sliding fee scale for Preschool students.

  • The sliding fee scale establishes a recommended amount of payment for service based on family income and family size.  See Preschool Fee Agreement updated April 2020 (HmongSomaliSpanish)
  • No child will be excluded because of their family's inability to pay. The fee for Three School is waived for children who qualify for Educational Benefits (formerly known as Free and Reduced) or who receive Early Childhood Special Education services. Families that do not qualify for Educational Benefits will be charged based on the sliding fee scale.

Registration process: You may apply onlinecomplete a school request cardor call 612.668.1840 for registration information and materials. Families of children receiving special education services are encouraged to work with your child's ECSE teacher/case manager to enroll. 

2) ALPHABET SOUP is a half-day preschool program offered three days a week for three-year-olds.

Age requirement: Children must be three years old by September 1

Location: Wilder ECFE Early Childhood, 3345 Chicago Ave S Door 2, Minneapolis 55407 

Teacher-Student ratio is 2:18 = There are 18 students per class maximum with two state-licensed teachers; curriculum is based on state and Minneapolis Public Schools standards

Parent education component: Meets every other week with topics focusing on preschoolers and preparing children for kindergarten

Fee: Based on a sliding fee scale

  •  The fee for Three School is waived for children who receive Early Childhood Special Education services. 

Transportation: Free transportation is available for children who are served by Early Childhood Special Education; all other students must be provided transportation by their families

Registration process: Registration ongoing until program fills; register online for Alphabet Soup. Families of children receiving special education services are encouraged to work with your child's ECSE teacher/case manager to enroll. 

 3) ECSE CENTER BASED CLASSROOMS   are highly specialized classrooms to meet children’s individualized education plan (IEP) goals and objectives.

More information about our ECSE center based classrooms can be found here